3 Dec 2014

Student Information System

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The Student Information System is a secure, confidential collection of data about students attending early college high schools throughout the United States. The SIS provides information and analyses to guide the development and improvement of early college high schools. It also provides evidence on how well early college high schools are achieving their mission: to help young people progress toward the education and experience they need to succeed in life and a family-supporting career.
Jobs for the Future coordinates the SIS and analyzes school and student outcomes and trends. JFF is a non-profit organization with overall responsibility for coordinating the Early College High School Initiative nationwide. EDsmart, a leader in data systems for school districts, and Policy Studies Associates provide support for the development of the SIS, including the engagement of local school districts and higher education institutions in the effort.
What information is in the SIS?
The SIS includes information about each student’s academic achievement in early college high school, prior academic achievement going back to at least the eighth grade, and college attainment after graduation from early college.
School districts supply information on:
• Demographics (e.g., race, age, gender, free/reduced lunch)
• Standardized test scores (including two to four years before enrolling in early college high school)
• Student attendance and persistence
• Rates of attendance

• Courses taken and grades (including two to four years before enrolling in early college high school)
• SAT/PSAT and ACT scores
• Date high school diploma awarded
Colleges and universities supply information on:
• College placement test results
• College courses taken and grades in those classes, including pass/fail
• Degrees or credentials awarded to early college high school students
• Grade Point Average
• Results on college placement exams
In addition, through the National Student Clearinghouse, the SIS will follow the progress of former early college high school students as they pursue postsecondary credentials following graduation from early college.

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