2 Feb 2015

100 Research Paper Topics

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  2. 101 Research Paper Topics | Reading Worksheets

    Looking for a research paper topic? Whether you are a teacher or a student, this list of 101 research topics should be extremely helpful.
  3. Research Topics - Santa Monica College

    The links below connect to research guides about the following topics. The research guides are helpful starting points for your research where you will find pointers ...
  4. It's important to find a research topic that you enjoy, but finding a strong topic isn't always that simple! You'll want to find a topic that is feasible, as well.
  5. Apr 21, 2010 · A List of Research Paper Topics. Research paper topics are not hard to think of if you consider the many topics that you can find in diverse fields.

3 Dec 2014

Student Information System

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The Student Information System is a secure, confidential collection of data about students attending early college high schools throughout the United States. The SIS provides information and analyses to guide the development and improvement of early college high schools. It also provides evidence on how well early college high schools are achieving their mission: to help young people progress toward the education and experience they need to succeed in life and a family-supporting career.
Jobs for the Future coordinates the SIS and analyzes school and student outcomes and trends. JFF is a non-profit organization with overall responsibility for coordinating the Early College High School Initiative nationwide. EDsmart, a leader in data systems for school districts, and Policy Studies Associates provide support for the development of the SIS, including the engagement of local school districts and higher education institutions in the effort.
What information is in the SIS?
The SIS includes information about each student’s academic achievement in early college high school, prior academic achievement going back to at least the eighth grade, and college attainment after graduation from early college.
School districts supply information on:
• Demographics (e.g., race, age, gender, free/reduced lunch)
• Standardized test scores (including two to four years before enrolling in early college high school)
• Student attendance and persistence
• Rates of attendance

• Courses taken and grades (including two to four years before enrolling in early college high school)
• SAT/PSAT and ACT scores
• Date high school diploma awarded
Colleges and universities supply information on:
• College placement test results
• College courses taken and grades in those classes, including pass/fail
• Degrees or credentials awarded to early college high school students
• Grade Point Average
• Results on college placement exams
In addition, through the National Student Clearinghouse, the SIS will follow the progress of former early college high school students as they pursue postsecondary credentials following graduation from early college.

Student Attendance Management System

Attendance Management System is software developed for daily student attendance inschools, colleges and institutes. If facilitates to access the attendance information of aparticular student in a particular class. The information is sorted by the operators, whichwill be provided by the teacher for a particular class. This system will also help inevaluating attendance eligibility criteria of a student.
Purpose & Scope:-
The intention of developing Attendance Management System is to computerized thetradition way of taking attendance. Another purpose for developing this software is togenerate the desired reports automatically at the end of the session or in the betweenof the session as they require. This project is basically a desktop application which means self contained software runson the system on which it has been installed under the user control and it will work for aparticular institute or college only.
This Application is built for automating the processing of attendance. It also enhances the speed of the performing attendance task easily. It also generates periodic reports to keep a check on the students who are regular & who are not. A Faculty has to login to the system & then in the attendance option they have to select appropriate class, semester and subject. So this will display the list of the students who are eligible to appear in this session. So now the faculty has to just select the students name from the manual attendance sheet according to their roll number and then submit the sheet. This will add the selected students as present student in that particular session. This system is very useful to the office staff also because they can generate various types of  reports and submit them to respective faculties also or also can be submitted to the College Coordinator. Office staff can also generate black list of students who have attendance less than 50% or 80%. So this kind of various reports can be generated
A Computer can work more efficiently then compared to a hu man being . The work becomes easy for the employees and thus, some amount of  human resources is saved . Data accuracy is maintained . Accurate information can be achieved within a short span of time Data can be accessed easily and randomly . This also saves a lot of time. Data is protected with the help of login system. Because of this login system, unauthorized persons cannot access the data .Comple x ity of the work can be reduced by using the system which was not possible in manual or semi-automated system. So it saves the time utmost.

A ccording to the requirements the sys tem should minimum generate following kinds of reports. List of report is give below
? Semester wise A ttendance
? Daily A ttendance
? Attendance for e x tra class
? Subject wise attendance
? L eave reports o A pproved o Not approved o Medical leaves
? Black listed below 50%
? Black listed below 75%

Telephone Billing System

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The purpose of the pro ject is to present the requirement of the Computerization of Telephone Billing System. The project thus calculates the t elephone bills automatically. It does almost every work which is related to automatic telephone billing connection system via- new connection , customer record modific ation, viewing custo mer records & all works related to rate of bills, meter readings in addition to bill calculation and bill generation.
Telephone Billing System is developed as per seeing the increasing requirement to speed up t he work and incorporate a new work culture. Thus a new software has been proposed to reduce manual work, improving work efficiency, saving time and to provide greater flexibility and user-friendliness as the system previously followed was totally manual one w ith lots of errors.
The main objective while implement ing the project Telephone Billing System were to minimize the work and at the same time increase the speed of the work done. This new system is built with the following objective:
1) Information retrieval will beco me easy.
2) Maintenance of database as we ll as overall project will become easy.
3) Security measure will be adopted, by maintaining the login of username and the password.
4) Data redundancy will be great ly reduced because t his new system is buil t using V isual Basic 6.0 as front-end. It entails looking into duplication of efforts , bottlenecks and inefficient existing  procedures
System analysis is the performance management and documentation of activities related to the four life cycle phases of any software namely:
‡ The Study Phase
‡ The Design Phase
‡ The Development Phase
‡ The Operators Phase System analysis is a vast field of study through which system analyst puts his thoughts and searches for the solution of problem. He has to get a clear idea of what he has in hand and what he has to prod uce. He has to extract the essence o f expectations. He has to satisfy the user in the very possible way. System analysis needs and should include the following steps o f study: ลก Study of current methods, the basic inputs available a nd output desired.
The splitting of a variable inputs into (.dbf) files so as to reduce redundancy and increase consistency.

Vehicle Management System

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Vehicle Management System is software which is helpful for bus operators, who wants to operate many bus trips in a day. Vehicle Management System is a windows application written for 32-bit Windows operating systems which focused in the area of adding, editing and deleting the passengers, staff and the bus routes. In this software a person can be register as a user and he can manage the bus routes and the staff, passengers' details. He can add a bus and its details including bus route details. User can also add the details of the staff and their duty time in the system.
There are mainly 5 modules in this software
  • Bus Management
  • Route Management
  • Employee Management
  • Passenger Management
In Bus module a user can add a new bus details to the database. He can set the details of the route and the timing also. Bus details like the type, engine number, seating capacity and the route in which the bus is going to be operated are added. Whenever the user wants to modify these details he can update new values through this software. Route Management module deals with the route management of the bus. A user can add the route and if he wants he can change it or delete that route. The main advantage is that this module is helpful for the agents to get details of the route and the details of the bus which have trip to that route. He can also get the information of the number of seats available in a particular day.
Employee details of any bus can add to the database and this is helpful to the bus operators in the case of the salary and bates for the employee. An operator can add the personal details and if we want to edit or delete he can done modification using the Vehicle Management System. This is very helpful for the passenger also; if they have any complaint against staff he can approach the operator and easily identify the employee. Details of every passenger are stored in the system. A user can add a passenger only one time and if he came again operator can identify that person. Operator can add, edit and delete the details of the passenger.
The proposed system is very useful for the operators and passengers. This avoids the overheads for the operators. They can minimize the working stress and can keep essential documents related to the bus and the passengers as a softcopy. The advantage of the proposed system is the reduction in the cost of the office equipments and the transaction is done quickly. Any operator can answer if any seats for a particular route in a particular day are available or not.
Our proposed system has several advantages

•  User friendly interface
•  Fast access to database
•  Less error
•  More Storage Capacity
•  Search facility
•  Look and Feel Environment
•  Quick transaction

Online Bus Reservation

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This is Online Bus Reservation package to manage B uses, Routes, Services, Passengers & avail a degree of comfort to both Organization & Passenger. Today the leading Bus Travel companies are using these Packages to have a ease of mentality with their work.
The project keep track of following modules:
  • Avail Online Reservation
  • Rootmaps
  • Availability of  seats
  • Fares
  • Services
  • Payment
This project is coded under c # .net environment in «\A S P.NETProj\Online_reservation
DATABASE: The finance management system handles MS - Access database called«\ Finance\App_Data\ bus.mdb
.This database contains four tables with following structures: 
1. Source
3.Arrival Time
4.Departure Time
5. Fare

Hospital Management System

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The project Hospital Management system includes registration of patients, storing their details into the system, and also computerized billing in the pharmacy, and labs. The software has the facility to give a unique id for every patient and stores the details of every patient and the staff automatically. It includes a search facility to know the current status of each room. User can search availability of a doctor and the details of a patient using the id.
The Hospital Management System can be entered using a username and password. It is accessible either by an administrator or receptionist. Only they can add data into the database. The data can be retrieved easily. The interface is very user-friendly. The data are well protected for personal use and makes the data processing very fast.
The purpose of the project entitled as “HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is to computerize the Front Office Management of Hospital to develop software which is user friendly, simple, fast, and cost – effective. It deals with the collection of patient’s information, diagnosis details, etc. Traditionally, it was done manually. The main function of the system is to register and store patient details and doctor details and retrieve these details as and when required, and also to manipulate these details meaningfully System input contains patient details, diagnosis details; while system output is to get these details on to the CRT screen.
A form is a major part of Visual Basic application, which allows the user to enter the data as well as view the result. A control is an object that we draw on a form to enable or enhance user interaction with an applicatio. Hence a Visual Basic application is a combination of object like forms and controls, procdures that can respond to Events and other general-purpose procedure. Event procedures are where we do the actual computer programming and are saved with the form in the file with the frm extension. These procedures are where we write BASIC language statements. You will learn a lot of programming and BASIC language in this course. The BASIC you will learn is very similar to the original BASIC used by Bill Gates and Paul Allen when starting Microsoft.

 It is fast, efficient and reliable
 Avoids data redundancy and inconsistency
 Very user-friendly
 Easy accessibility of data
 Number of personnel required is considerably less
 Provides more security and integrity to data

Web Enabled Interactive, Dynamic And Authenticated Work Order System

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The basic interaction of the customer to the vendor is through the Internet. So Internet plays the major role in the e-commerce. Generally in a big organization assigning a work to a Solves this problem.
This WORK ORDER SYSTEM solves this problem effectively. This is an Internet based application, which will be useful for the big organization that wants to complete his work can place this in the official site of the company. The administrator of the company will view the orders placed by the Customer. He will then analysis the customers order and chooses an appropriate worker for that customer.
The worker of the company should have to register his presence daily by logging daily into the site. Once he has logged in, he will come to know about his work to done. After the end of the day the worker is requested to update the status of his work.
Following is the list of possible challenges
•  Identification of the Authorized customer:
As this site based interaction many customers may see the site but only authorized person can place the order. So finding the authorized customer is the foremost problem.
•  Identifying the free worker:
The administration has the rights to allocate the work to the worker. So finding the free worker is the key problem work can be allocated based on the time and efficiency.
•  Assigning work to the worker:
The worker should not be free so that whenever he finished his work immediate message will be sent to the administrator so that he can submit another work.
•  Managing Web-site Structure Information:
The structure of the web site is important information. With the continuous changes in creating and maintaining electronic documents.
Hard ware Specification :

  • Processor : Intel P- III based system
  • Processor Speed : 250 MHz to 833MHz
  • RAM : 64MB to 256MB
  • Hard Disk : 2GB to 30GB
  • Key Board : 104 keys
Software Specification:
  • Language : JDK 1.5 (JSP, JDBC, Servlets)
  • Database : SQL Serve, Oracle-10g
  • Operating System : WindowsNT/95/98/2000
  • Webserver : Apache Tomcat 5x
  • GUI Tools : HTML/JavaScript

Security System For DNS Using Cryptography

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The mapping or binding of IP addresses to host names became a major problem in the rapidly growing Internet and the higher level binding effort went through different stages of development up to the currently used Domain Name System (DNS).
The DNS Security is designed to provide security by combining the concept of both the Digital Signature and Asymmetric key (Public key) Cryptography. Here the Public key is send instead of Private key. The DNS security uses Message Digest Algorithm to compress the Message(text file) and PRNG(Pseudo Random Number Generator) Algorithm for generating Public and Private key. The message combines with the Private key to form a Signature using DSA Algorithm, which is send along with the Public key.
The receiver uses the Public key and DSA Algorithm to form a Signature. If this Signature matches with the Signature of the message received, the message is Decrypted and read else discarded.

  • Processor : Intel Pentium IV
  • RAM : 512 MB
  • Hard Disk : 40GB
  • Operating System : Windows 98,2000,xp
  • Tools : jdk1.5.0
  • Technologies : J2SE (network,IO,Swings, Util,crypto)

Audio Manager

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An Mp3 is an audio file format which is encoded from an Audio CD or other audio formats like wav, ram etc... Mp3 is the most popular format for music in the present world. Nowadays Mp3 players are available making Mp3's the best form of audio.
These Mp3 files are of different quality which is decided by the bit-rate of the file. Greater the bit-rate bigger the size of the file. These Mp3's have a great advantage of being able to store the various information about the audio file, namely the artist, album , year etc.. This is achieved with the help of a tag.

The basic idea of this project is to create a software which can store the contents of our Mp3 CD's in a catalog based form so that if we have 'n' number of CD's it will be easy for us to manage the CD's. This helps us to create a catalog of our disk collection. By using such catalog, we can easily find all necessary files and folders without the need to insert disks into the drive. We can also Sort files, folders, disks and categories by attributes, names, locations, creation date, artist, album etc. The duplicate files will be notified by the software. We can update file, folder, and disk information at any time.

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